Armoured Safes for Cash and Valuables


  • Armoured Safes for Cash and Valuables
  • Trezor TRIDENT
  • Ohnivzdorné trezory modelové řady TRIDENT jsou vybaveny speciálním dveřním těsněním, které v případě požáru několikanásobně zvětší svůj objem a vytvoří tak neprodyšnou vrstvu, chránící vaše dokumenty před horkými požárními plyny.
  • http://www.tresorag.cz/en/products/armoured-safes-for-cash-and-valuables/trident
  • Kontaktujte nás pro nezávaznou nabídku
Fire Resistance
  • Protection of Valuables, Cash and Documents

  • Fire Resistance Test - 60 Minutes for Documents

  • S60P (NT Fire-test)

  • High Security Class III, IV, V, VI

  • Tested Protection against Explosives

You will hardly find any other safe that would combine the highest assault resistance with tested fire resistance and a unique explosive resistance test. The documents and cash are protected against fire by the door seal and heat-absorbing material. All-around armour and safety catch bolts provide maximum protection for your valuables. All of that in combination with the special construction protecting the contents of the safe in case explosives are used makes the Trident safe the most perfect security feature you can acquire.

The double-wall body and three-wall door are filled with a fire resistant concrete mix that together with the door seal maximally protects the contents of the safe from high temperatures and fire gases.
Mechanical combination lock and a safe key lock; it is also possible to select an electronic lock or to combine locks in any way.
Safety catch bolts connected to the glass plate arrest the bolt mechanism in case of an attack.
Perfect protection of the safe against manipulation – five anchoring openings in the floor in combination with one anchoring opening in the back.

Static View


Trezor TRIDENT pohled 1 Trezor TRIDENT pohled 2 Trezor TRIDENT pohled 3

Technical Parameters

Model Sec. Class External Dimensions (mm) Internal Dimensions (mm) Capacity Weight
H W D H W D l kg
110-III III 790 730 560 620 560 320 111 540
170-III III 920 730 640 750 560 400 168 670
210-III III 920 730 740 750 560 500 210 754
310-III III 1270 730 740 1100 560 500 308 970
420-III III 1470 810 740 1300 640 500 416 1180
600-III III 1850 880 740 1680 710 500 596 1530
910-III III 1850 1250 740 1680 1080 500 907 1990
110-IV IV 790 730 560 620 560 320 111 560
170-IV IV 920 730 640 750 560 400 168 695
210-IV IV 920 730 740 750 560 500 210 775
310-IV IV 1270 730 740 1100 560 500 308 1005
420-IV IV 1470 810 740 1300 640 500 416 1225
600-IV IV 1850 880 740 1680 710 500 596 1590
910-IV IV 1850 1250 740 1680 1080 500 907 2060
110-V V 790 730 560 620 560 320 111 595
170-V V 920 730 640 750 560 400 168 740
210-V V 920 730 740 750 560 500 210 825
310-V V 1270 730 740 1100 560 500 308 1075
420-V V 1470 810 740 1300 640 500 416 1310
600-V V 1850 880 740 1680 710 500 596 1695
910-V V 1850 1250 740 1680 1080 500 907 2198
110-VI VI 790 730 560 620 560 320 111 635
170-VI VI 920 730 640 750 560 400 168 790
210-VI VI 920 730 740 750 560 500 210 880
310-VI VI 1270 730 740 1100 560 500 308 1150
420-VI VI 1470 810 740 1300 640 500 416 1400
600-VI VI 1850 880 740 1680 710 500 596 1810
910-VI VI 1850 1250 740 1680 1080 500 907 2350

Depth: + 60mm for fittings